Practice 2

Photoshop Practice P2: Create a Multilayered Stencil

(2 points)

Multilayered Stencil

Purpose: To understand selection tools, image adjustments, and layers in terms of duplication, visibility, and working light to dark. Show your understanding also of different file types, size, and resolution by converting work to the proper formats and uploading work to the Box. Finally, practice your critiquing skills for later “critique days” where you will comment on the work of fellow class members.

Instructions: Follow the tutorial below. Upload all work to the Box, including: original image, Photoshop document with required layers, and a PDF of the finished product.

1.  Select a high quality image from Google and open in Photoshop. 
2.   Use the selection tools to make the background transparent.
3.   Copy the layer so there are 5 layers of the same image. Name the layers:
       a. Layer 3
       b. Layer 2
       c. Layer 1
       d. Original no background (Originals are helpful in the case of starting over.)
       e. Original un-edited
4.   Make all layers invisible except layer 1.
5.   Go to Layer 1. This will be for the darkest and smallest details.
       a. Image > Adjustments > Threshold
       b. Check the Preview box and adjust slider so the finest details are visible.
       c. Click Ok.
       d. Select Color Range > Select white > delete white.
       e. Deselect everything and make Layer 1 invisible.
6.   Go to Layer 2 and make the layer visible. This will be for the gray details.
       a. Image > Adjustments > Threshold
       b. Check the Preview box and adjust slider so large details are visible.
       c. Click Ok.
       d. Deselect everything and make Layer 2 invisible.
7.   Go to Layer 3 and make the layer visible. This will be a white silhouette base.
       a. Image > Adjustments > Threshold
       b. Pull the slider all the way to the right until you are left with a black silhouette.
       c. Select > Color Range > select the black area. Fill with white. 
       d. Deselect everything and make Layer 3 invisible
8.   Go to Layer 2 and make the layer visible.
       a. Select > Color Range > select white > delete white.
       b. Select > Color Range > select black > Fill the selection with gray. 
       c. Deselect everything and make Layer 2 invisible.
9.   Make Layers 1, 2 and 3 visible.
10. Add a new layer for the background and fill with any color.
11. Adjust layer colors to fit the style and mood of your image.

The following is only for your personal use and is not part of the P2 grade.
12. To make a physical stencil that can be painted on a surface:
       a. Create “bridges” so each section is still connected to the paper.
       b. Export each individual layer.
       c. Print each layer.
       d. Cut out shapes. If work is very detailed, the Art Dept's laser cutter may time.