Practice 3

Photoshop Practice P3: Alter an Image with Masking

(1 point)

The purpose of this practice is to begin to understand how simple masking works.

Create an image using the masking function as demonstrated in class. 

Find a large/hi-res image of an object with a background. Images in focus will work best. Using appropriate masking techniques remove the background to create an icon. 

Upload the original image and the finished product in the Box as a PS document, a JPG, a TIFF and the original image's format. 

For this practice, you will be evaluated on choice of image, skill with masking, aesthetics, "cleanliness" of your masking, and the clarity/resolution of the final product.

Soft Edges Tutorial
copy background layer - work off copy, hide original background
Select objuct using a small brush
+/- selection as needed
"Select & Mask"
View mode (F to toggle)
Refine Edge Brush Tool, hardness, spacing
Play around with opacity, radius, smooth, feather, contrast and shift edges (halos)
To alter background clilck "Invert." To alter the object leave as is.
Output setting > Layer Mask
adjustments > (ex change background color) hue/saturation