Practice P1

Photoshop Practice P1: Crop a Photo 4 way or more ways...

Take a large and resolute image (minimum of 748 x 1024 pixels) with strong depth of field (ie. sharp focus through the image) containing distinctive foreground, midground, and background.

Using Adobe Bridge, open the photo in “camera raw.” Crop (and enhance) and save the photo several different ways to create at least 4 “new” images that each “tells a different story.” In each instance do appropriate sharpening, contrast, and color changes to improve/change the resulting image.

(Useful Hint: Adobe Bridge conveniently sets up its filters in the sequence that makes most sense for most photographers with most photos to apply them. If you go through them in order you will experience the best results)

When completed, open each Image (in Photoshop) and apply appropriate filters like the UNSHARP MASK, ACCENTED EDGES or PAINT DABS (in Filter Gallery) to disguise any resolution issues or artistically enhance the images. Save your cropped images along with a copy of the original photo in your folder on the student server.

NOTE/RESIZING: Must be done in Photoshop BEFORE working in Bridge. Go to IMAGE>IMAGE SIZE and change the PPI to 240+ with "resampling/Preserve Details (enlargement) selected and proportions locked. It is also useful to use the reduce noise slider.

This exercise will be evaluated on the following criteria:

• Choice of Photo/depth of field

• Composition(s)/Storytelling

• Attention to Detail

• Attention to Clarity/Resolution

• Enhancement(s)/Use of filers

The final product should demonstrate your understanding of effective resolution by avoiding pixalated images.