Preparing Files

Preparing Your Electronic Files in Art 109

You are required to follow these guidelines before submitting any 
assignment to me for evaluation in Art109:

Size: Never work on images smaller than 1600 pixels x 1200 pixels at 72 dpi. When you import them, a higher resolution (240-300) dpi is needed so using the image size command in Photoshop, resample them to 300 ppi before beginning to work on them. Generally, the larger the image (higher the resolution and proportions) the better your results and grade.

109 File Formats: Your final work will be evaluated in its native Adobe format--if you convert (save as a copy or export) to a .jpg or .pdf when finished do it ONLY AS A SECOND COPY. I must see your intact Adobe file(s) for a grade (housed in your private folder on the student server).

Naming your files: When you name your files you are required to name them with your first initial and last name, the assignment name, and semester date in this format:

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