
Spring 2017
Section 35, T TH 6:30-9:00 PM
1535 Levante Rm 157

Michelle Roy
Office: Available upon request
Studio Arts Building

COURSE DESCRIPTION: ART 109 (3 credits) covers principles in and the practice of computer proficiency and related cognitive skills development for desktop publishing, digital imaging, and visual design.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: ART 109 is fundamental for any student who plans to enter one of the professional fields related to digital imaging or desktop publishing. The course provides opportunities to explore creativity and learn powerful software applicable to professional use while exploring intelligent cognitive approaches. The class will help you:
·         Learn basic aesthetic assumptions behind the structural elements of digital design, including layout, typography, digital composition, resolution, electronic formats, effective visual messaging, and clarity
·         Gain a comfortable working knowledge of the Macintosh platform and Adobe’s Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign)
·         Build your visual communication skills through lab work, computer practice, visual assignments, class discussion, and critiques
·         Learn to distinguish effective communication from ineffective when using digital tools
·         Understand the current “artisan” and creative issues surrounding new media and apply design and rhetorical (persuasion) theories holistically to your work
·         Become familiar with expectations for professional presentation of digital media
·         Refine your creative problem-solving skills pertaining to digital imaging and design

(Delmar Cengage Learning, 2012) 2nd edition. ISBN-10: 1133131131 $64 new. (Homework and reading assignments are assigned from this text. Order online or obtain from the UM Bookstore ASAP.) STAYING CURRENT WITH THE ASSIGNED READINGS WILL ENSURE YOU A BETTER GRASP OF THE PROJECT EXERCISES AND ENSURE A BETTER GRADE!


As with most new skills you learn in the communication professions, the mastery of the hardware and software needed used in this course is primarily in your own hands. The more time you spend working with the programs, the more competent you will become. I recommend software books published by Adobe  (such as the “Classroom in a Book” packages) and Visual Quickstart Guides as aids. You can ALSO find many such resources online or at your local bookstore. The online resources at and are highly useful:


Bring a sketchbook (any size) to each class to use for note taking, thumb-nailing, and brainstorming. You will also need to bring a set of working ear buds or ear phones for listening to tutorials every day and a memory stick to back up your projects.  (Other supplies are available at UFtrecht Art. I recommend buying them as needed.)

·         Sketchbook (5 1/2 x 8 1/2 or larger)
·         2GB+ Memory (external drive, approved Plug-n-Play Drive, or online space)
·         a set of working ear buds or head phones for tutorials
·         Matt board, X-acto knives and extra blades, and spray adhesive for mounting printed projects when assigned



There are 3 Learning Modules in this course:
  • Module 1, Raster Imaging with Photoshop
  • Module 2, Vector Imaging with Illustrator
  • Module 3, Desktop Publishing with InDesign. 
Announcements and updates are posted on
Throughout the semester, each student will be responsible for completing a number of visual presentations in the three different learning modules (Photo, Illustrating, and Design). In addition you will complete four quizzes, seven introductory exercises completed in class, and a final project/ portfolio that includes a written self-evaluation of the work you’ve accomplished for the term.  Assignment details will be covered in class and handouts available at the Blackboard site and on the student server for downloading. All assignments must be completed to receive a passing grade.

Outline of Assignments                             Grade Percentage 
Quizzes & Video Tutorials
Introductory & Practice Exercises
3 Raster (Photoshop) Assignments      
Photo Enhancement (5pt.)
Color (5 pt.)
Composite Image (10 pt.)

3 Vector (Illustrator) Assignments
Logo (5 pt.)
Word Art (10 pt.)
Illustration (10 pt.)

3-Desktop Publishing (InDesign) Assignments
Poster (5 pt.) 
Magazine Spread (10 pt.)
Final Self-Promo Take-Home Project (10pt.)
Class Participation*

*Class participation includes attendance, promptness, preparedness, participation in class discussions, attentiveness to lectures, teamwork, and performance on in-class work, tutorials, assigned practice exercises, and critiques.

GRADES: Scores are determined on varying point scales using evaluation rubrics based on material covered in class lectures and readings. Your grade for each project indicates the number of total points you have earned for the assignment (total possible for each is listed above). If you have concerns regarding grades you receive on assignments, you must first present your complaint to me in writing. I will review your concern and arrange to meet with you to discuss it in a timely fashion. Unresolved problems will be resolved following college guidelines for grade appeals policy.

ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS: Presentation is everything in visual communication. Before submitting work, ask yourself: "would I submit this to a potential employer?" Learn professional work habits by thinking of yourself as a pro now. If your work is refused for unmethodical work or failure to follow directions and resubmitted after the project deadline, you will be penalized.

Written assignments will be graded on clarity, demonstration of critical thinking skills, competence in theoretical writing, and your illustrated knowledge of the techniques presented in class. Any written assignments must be typed. Email is accepted.

Visual components of assignments will be graded on the demonstrated application of concepts learned in class, a display of creativity, and a clear focus on self-improvement in your work. I expect to see you making well planned attempts to apply what you are learning about effective design, from the readings, from this class, Internet research, and from self-paced tutorials to your own visual work. Some assignments will be submitted in electronic format, others in printed hard copy.

Keep a backup copy of all work turned in and SAVE OFTEN!! If you turn in your only copy and it is “misplaced,” you will receive a failing grade for the assignment unless I have seen you working on it in class.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Throughout the semester I may also assign discussion questions to you. In this case, you will typically be asked to post on the blog or bring a written question for the class to discuss based on your own design problems, the lecture topics, or other assigned topic.

CLASS CRITIQUES:  Class critiques will be held on the day projects are due. All students are expected to participate in these or will sacrifice points.

EXAMS: The four quizzes cover readings, lectures, and visual presentations and consist of multiple choice and short answer questions. Questions will be designed to test the student's understanding of the material covered in the textbook and in class. It is expected that each student will respect the Honor Code and work individually on any exam. THERE IS NO FINAL EXAM FOR THIS COURSE.


ATTENDANCE: Missed class periods and/or chronic lateness will absolutely affect your final grade. You are allowed two (2) excused absences only for the semester without suffering a grade penalty and only if you provide appropriate documentation. (Excused absences must be discussed with instructor a week or more in advance or, if due to illness, accompanied by a doctor's notice. Family emergencies (involving immediate family members only to be excused) also require documented proof. One or two absences without documentation results in a point deduction each from your final grade. Your third absence, whether excused or unexcused, will drop the final grade by 3 points automatically with each subsequent absence thereafter resulting in another (accumulative) point deduction. Do not schedule flights, doctor appointments, appointments to get your car fixed, vacations or other plans that conflict with this class. These are not excusable. If you do have a conflict let me know ahead of time. If you cannot attend the class period for a scheduled presentation or exam, you must contact me at least one week PRIOR to your absence by communicating with me via email in order to arrange a make-up. Failure to do so will result in a zero on the missed assignment. Failure to arrive on time may also be recorded as an absence. 

If you do miss a class, it is your responsibility to check the course website for assignments and data missed, borrow class notes on lecture material from a fellow student, and make up any missed work. DO NOT EMAIL OR TEXT ME AND ASK WHAT YOU'VE MISSED. This is irresponsible and unprofessional behavior. 

NOTE FROM THE COLLEGE ON ABSENCES FOR HOLY DAYS--The College of Arts & Sciences policy on Holy Day absences states: "It is the student's obligation to provide faculty members with notice of the dates they will be absent due to observance of religious holy days, preferably before the beginning of classes but no later than the end of the first two weeks of class. For religious holy days that fall within the first two weeks of class, students must provide faculty members with notice no later than two class days before the absence. Missing a class due to travel plans associated with a particular religious holy day does not constitute an excused absence. Absences due to observance of religious holy days that are not pre-arranged with the relevant faculty member within the first two weeks of class may be considered unexcused, and the faculty member may therefore prevent the student from making up examinations or assignments missed during the period of absence. Absence in observance of a religious holy day does not relieve students from responsibility for any part of the course work required during the period of absence. Students who are absent on days of examinations or class assignments shall be offered a reasonable opportunity to make up the work without penalty, if the student previously arranged to be absent.

PARTICIPATION: To earn the total points possible for class participation you must have consistently arrived on time, met all assignment deadlines on time, completed all lab and in-class exercises, participated verbally in class critiques, been willing to assist others, and joined enthusiastically in class discussions. Points are deducted when you fail to meet these requirements and you can continue to accumulate into the negative numbers when a zero for participation is reached. You have a mutual responsibility for shaping the classroom learning environment. Please take that role seriously. Be an active learner and an engaged listener, participate enthusiastically in discussions and in-class critiques, be prepared, offer constructive feedback on other students’ project progress, and apply what you're learning to your final work for this course. Most importantly SHOW UP & KEEP UP WITH THE READING! Share your experiences with me and your cohorts and set concrete goals for your own improvement. 

ALSO, announcements are uploaded to the course website after each class. You are required to refer to the website regularly between classes for updates and changes in instructions or deadlines. Successful completion of this course requires your full attention and commitment as well as a great deal of self-directed, effective time management. I expect you to be well prepared for classes; to follow through on commitments made to me, yourself, and your fellow classmates; to read and know the details of all reading assignments and handouts; to complete your tutorials and self-training with software on time; and to be proactively self-directed. 

When you miss a quiz without making preparations to take it in advance and you don't show up to make it up by the end of the next class period, you will receive a zero.

PREPAREDNESS: Announcements are uploaded to the course website after each class. You should refer to the website regularly between classes for updates and changes in instructions or deadlines. Successful completion of this course requires your full attention and commitment as well as a great deal of self-directed, effective time management. I expect you to be well prepared for classes; to follow through on commitments made to me, yourself, and your fellow classmates; to read and know the details of all reading assignments and handouts; to complete your tutorials and self-training with software on time; and to be proactively self-directed. Additionally, I expect projects to be well thought out in advance of the due dates and professionally executed when turned in. (‘C’ assignments are often ‘A’ assignments turned in too early and not given time for creative “incubation.” Learn to revisit and revise your work several times before sending it in. That means getting an early start on each step of the project!) Since deadlines for assignments are clearly marked in the course schedule you should plan appropriately NOW for finishing them on time. The time to be concerned about your performance in this class is at the beginning of the term—not the end. Failure to present assignments on time will lower your grade.

DECORUM: All students are expected to abide by the University of Miami Honor Code.” In addition:
  • Come to class on time. Announcements, crucial messages, assignment details, and lectures are made promptly at the BEGINNING of class. Because you will be learning at your own pace, leaving early if you must be somewhere else is much more preferred to arriving late!
  • Reading your email, newspapers, magazines, or other textbooks in class while I am lecturing or while the class is having a discussion or critique is inconsiderate and will affect your class participation grade. The good news is that this may be one of your few classes where cell phones, mp3 players, and talking are not met with scowls during non-lecture lab work sessions. During such studio time--after lecture and announcements are made and quizzes completed--you are often working on your own and friendly conversation is actually welcomed. 
LAB AVAILABILITY: You will inevitably need to spend some time outside of class in the classroom working on your assignments. Sunday, evening, and additional work hours in the lab will be posted on the bulletin boards outside the classroom door. (The lab is closed to undergraduate students on Saturday.) Students who wish to use the lab outside of class time are expected to act responsibly, back up your projects, refrain from changing or moving files that are not your own, and follow the lab rules just as you would in class. These computers are not to be used for work other than that you must accomplish for classes in the art department (no games, downloading music). Students using the lab are fully and independently responsible for its safety and for the safe and undamaged transport or storage of any files you create. 

FOOD AND DRINK ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED IN THE LAB AT ANY TIME. If you are acting irresponsibly in the lab or are in the lab at the wrong time, the monitors on duty will ask you to leave and can have Public Safety escort you out if you do not cooperate.
READING:  It is imperative that you maintain a working understanding of the reading material, as this knowledge will guide you through class discussions, papers, and a critical synthesis of the concepts learned in class. Without reading the assigned texts you cannot expect to do well on the project assignments. I expect you to read all assignments (specified in the course schedule). The best way to tackle concepts and theories covered in the course is through spirited discussion, which is not possible without a thorough emersion in the reading material prior to class. Some reading material is in addition to the textbook and is linked from the blog.
ACADEMIC HONESTY: Do your own work and correctly cite sources that you have used in your research where appropriate. Plagiarism of assignments will be reported to the honor code council and can result in dismissal from class or the college. Plagiarism is the deliberate use of another’s work as your own. This can result in a failing grade or more severe consequences. All work for this course is expected to be completed specifically for this course in the current term. Consult your Student Handbook, the library’s page on plagiarism, academic dishonesty, and documentation regarding the Honor Code for the college’s official policies.
EQUITY STATEMENT: All persons, regardless of gender, age, class, race, religion, physical disability, sexual orientation, etc., shall have equal opportunity without harassment in this course. Mutual respect for your fellow students and the professor and a tolerance of diversity is demanded of all students as well as the professor. Any problems with, or questions about harassment can be discussed confidentially with me. 
ACCOMMODATIONS: If any student requires specific accommodations for this course as a result of a disability, please contact the Office of Disability Services (

Learning Module 1: Raster Imaging 
Module 1 introduces you to digital photo enhancement using Adobe Photoshop in Creative Cloud. Students begin with practice exercises that encourage them to think about effective photo composition and work on photo enhancement, retouch, and color adjustment in Part A. Part B of Module 1 will focus on photo compositing using more advanced digital imagery techniques such as masking, filtering, and layering.

MODULE 1, PART A - Basic Photo Repair

PART A Topics include:
·        Photo Styles
·        Sharing/using our network
·        The MacIntosh Platform 
·        Scanning
·        Resolution
·        Digital image file formats 
·        Converting files 
·        Camera Raw & Adobe Bridge 
·        Value/Contrast/Clarity/
·        Cropping/composition/interest/story 
·        The Adobe interface & platform
·        Photoshop "tools"
·        Filters
·        Retouching, healing, & color correction 
·        Color modes
·        Color theory; color and mood

Raster Imaging with Photoshop Part A, Basic Photo Repair
Raster Imaging with Photoshop Part A, Basic Photo Repair
WEEK 1 - Jan 17 & 19
Day 1, TU 1/17 
TOPICS:  Course Syllabus. Course Content | About digital imaging | File formats 
    To Do in Class Tuesday:  
    • Users New To Mac: Read "Anatomy of a Mac" and "Switching to the Mac."
    • Watch PS Skill Set 1 Bridge Videos (Intro, Chapters 1, 2, 4-13, 18)

    Day 2, TH 1/19 
    TOPICS: MOD1/Part A | Practice P1, cropping, & basic photo composition | Adobe Bridge, Camera Raw, & global changes | Photoshop interface Resolution—raster vs. vector | Conceptualizing | Basic photo corrections | Depth of Field. PS filters | Process | Server & evaluation processes.

      To Do in Class Thursday:  
      • Introductions: Name, Major, Where you're from, one thing about yourself
      • Questionnaire - email answers to
        • Describe what I want to get out of this course.
        • I would like to get the following grade in this class. 
        • My past experience with Photoshop is ...
        • My past experience with Illustrator is ...
        • My past experience with InDesign is...
        • For me to be successful in this class, I need to...
        • For me to be successful in this class the instructor needs to...
        • Describe my ideal job.
      • Introduce and work on Practice 1Crop a Photo 4 Ways. (Due in the Box before class on 1/24) 
      • Watch PS Skill Set 1 (Intro, Chapters 1, 2, 4-13, 18) Test yourself on each new skill!

      WEEK 2 - Jan 24 & 26 - Critiquing - Style and Value. Photoshop interface
      TOPICS: Critiquing via style | Incubating | Color modes | Value in B&W images | Burning & dodging | Adjustment layers | Photoshop selection & healing tools | Assignment A1, local changes, & photo repair | Work flow.

      Day 3, TU 1/24 
      Due: Practice 1 - Crop a Photo 4 Ways

      To Read for Tuesday:  
      Chapter 16: Style. If you want to develop your personal style, do the exercises on page 290 and check out Finding Your Style.
      To Do in Class Tuesday:  
      • Lecture on Style and Critiques
      • Critique Practice 1 - Crop a Photo 4 Way (Due T 1/24)
      • Introduce & Work on Practice 2 Romanticism vs Realism assigned (Due TH 1/31)
      • Create your own style boards: Create Pinterest boards for Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and special personal interests such as typography, punk, advertising, graffiti, posters, stenciling, t-shirts, etc.

      Day 4, TH 1/26 

      To Do in Class:
      • Introduce Practice 3 - Create an Icon with Masking (Due TU 2/7)
      • Work on Practice 2 - Romanticism vs Realism (Due TU 1/31)
      • If you finish the work early, create several style boards on Pinterest for Photoshop, Illustration, InDesign, and special personal interests such as typography, punk posters, advertising, graffiti, stenciling, t-shirts, etc
      To Read for Thursday:  
      Chapter 6: Value (+Study Guide) 

        WEEK 3, Jan 31 & Feb 2 - Basic Photo Healing
        Day 5, TU 1/31 
        Due: Practice 2 - Romanticism vs Realism Presentations

        To Read for Tuesday:  
        The Golden Ratio & Chapter 11: Balance  (+Study Guide)

        To Do in Class: 
        Bring a photo for repair to class on Tuesday or search for one in class.
        Finish up Practice 3 - Create a Folder Icon with Masking (Due TU 2/7)

        Day 6, TH 2/2 

        To Do in Class: 
        Work on Assignment 1 - The Before & After Repair Project
        Introduce and start Assignment 1 - The Before & After Repair Project (Due TU 2/14)

        WEEK 4, Feb 7 & 9- Color tools, color correction, & photo drama. Filters
        Day 7, TU 2/7 
        Due : Practice 3 - Create a Folder Icon with Masking

        To Read for Tuesday: 
         Chapters 8 (for Tuesday).
         Chapter 9 on color theory (+Study Guide) (for Thursday).

        Plus (online)--  

        To Do in Class:
        Critique Assignment 1 The Before & After Repair Project first thing Tuesday

        Day 8, TH 2/9  Quiz 1 will be taken in class (on Thursday)
        (Quiz 1 covers Chapters 1, 2, 6, 16).

        To Do in Class: 
        Introduce and work on Assignment 2 - Color Project (Due TU 2/21)

        Raster Imaging with Photoshop Part B - Advanced PS Techniques

        WEEK 5, Feb 14 & 16 - Advanced Color tips. Masking & Layering
        To Do in Class:
        Begin Skill Set 2, Ch 9-13 only, "Photoshop CC Essential Training" with Julieanne Kost

        Day 10, TH 2/16 
        Due: Assignment 2 (Color Exercise) will be critiqued first thing Thursday class.
        Begin Assignment 3 - Composite due Tu 

        WEEK 6, Feb 21 & 23 - Semiotics. Realistic light sources.
        Day 11, TU 2/21 
        To Read for Tuesday: Chapter 14 
        Work on Skill Set 2 Videos 
        Assignment 3 - Composite Project work on it

        Day 12, TH 2/23 
        To Read for Thursday: Chapter  15 (+Study Guide)
        To Do in Class:
        Semiotics & Abstraction Examples 
        Complete Skill Set 2 Videos by end of week
        Assignment 3 - Composite Project work on it
        If you've finished early watch Skill Set 3 and take notes! Adobe Training Videos "Illustrator CC Essential Training" with Justin Seeley. CH 1-15

        WEEK 7, Feb 28 & Mar 2 - Printing. Going Further.
        Day 13, TU 2/28 
        Due Tuesday
        Assignment 3 (Composite) will be critiqued first thing Tuesday.
        In Class:
        • While not required for this course, you'll find that Deke McClelland's "Introducing Illustrator" videos on "Pen Tool Fundamentals" and his series "Illustrator One-on-One Fundamentals" are the best training options out there for Illustrators who intend to work in illustrative detail with Adobe Illustrator.
        • Complete: Pen Tool Exercises 1 & 2

        To Read for Thursday: Chapter 3: Space 

        Day 14, TH 3/2 

        In Class: 

        • Rescheduled for next Tuesday (Quiz 2 - Chapters 8, 9, 14, & 15)
        • Work on Skill Set 2 

        Read for Tuesday (week 8):  Chapter 4: Line. Chapter 5: Shape

        Vector Imaging with Illustrator 

        WEEK 8, Mar 7

        Day 15, TU 3/7 

        Due Tuesday:
        Practice 4 - Trace a Photo; Critique will begin first thing Tuesday.

        In Class: 

        Day 16, TH 3/9 
        To Read for Thursday: Vital Tips for Effective Logo Design

        To do in Class

        WEEK 9, Mar 14 & 16
        Spring Break - No Class & Labs are Closed

        WEEK 10, Mar 21 & 23
        Day 17, TU 3/21
        To do in Class

        To Read for Tuesday

        Day 18, TH 3/23 
        To do in Class
        WEEK 11, Mar 28 & 30
        Day 19, TU 3/28 

        To Do in Class:

        Day 20 TH 3/30 
        To Do in Class:

        WEEK 12, Apr 4 & 6
        Day 21, TU 4/4 
        To Read for Thursday:  Chapter 7: Texture

        To Do in Class:

        Day 22, TH 4/6 
        To Do in Class:
        Week 13, Apr 11 & 13

        Desktop Publishing with InDesign

        Day 23, TU 4/11

        To Read for Tuesday:
        •  Chapter 13: Repetition & Rhythm
        •  Chapter 17: Emphasis

        To Do in Class:

        Day 24, TH 4/13 

        To Do in Class:

        WEEK 14, Apr 18 & 20
        Day 26, TH 4/20 

        To Do in Class:

        WEEK 15, Apr 25 & 27
        Day 27, TU 4/25 

        To Do in Class:

        Day 28, TH 4/27 

        To Do in Class:

        WEEK 16, ?????
        Day 29, TU 12/6

        Last Class Session

        To Do in Class:

        May 4, Final Critique 8-10:30 PM, DUE BY 8:00 PM Sharp: all practices, assignments, final projects, and extra credit. 

        Day 30, TU 5/4 FINAL CRITIQUE 8-10:30 PM
        Final Project, any assignments for re-evaluation need to be uploaded to the Box by 8:00 PM.