Schedule & Due Dates

Raster Imaging with Photoshop Part A, Basic Photo Repair
WEEK 1 - Jan 17 & 19

Day 1, TU 1/17 
TOPICS:  Course Syllabus | Course Content | About digital imaging | File formats 

To Do in Class Tuesday:  

Day 2, TH 1/19 
TOPICS: PS Skill Set 1 | Practice P1 | Cropping | basic photo composition | Adobe Bridge, Camera Raw, & global changes | Photoshop interface Resolution—raster vs. vector | Conceptualizing | Basic photo corrections | Depth of Field. PS filters | Process | Server & evaluation processes.

    To Do in Class Thursday:  
    • Introductions: Name, Major, Where you're from, one thing about yourself
    • Questionnaire - email answers to
      • Describe what I want to get out of this course.
      • I would like to get the following grade in this class. 
      • My past experience with Photoshop is ...
      • My past experience with Illustrator is ...
      • My past experience with InDesign is...
      • For me to be successful in this class, I need to...
      • For me to be successful in this class the instructor needs to...
      • Describe my ideal job.
    • Introduce and work on Practice 1Crop a Photo 4 Ways. (Due in the Box before class on 1/24) 
    • Watch PS Skill Set 1 (Intro, Chapters 1-2, 4-9) Test yourself on each new skill!

    WEEK 2 - Jan 24 & 26 - Critiquing - Style and Value. Photoshop interface
    TOPICS: Critiquing via style | Incubating | Color modes | Value in B&W images | Burning & dodging | Adjustment layers | Photoshop selection & healing tools | Assignment A1, local changes, & photo repair | Work flow.

    Day 3, TU 1/24 
    Due: Practice 1 - Crop a Photo 4 Ways

    To Read for Tuesday:  
    Chapter 16: Style. If you want to develop your personal style, do the exercises on page 290 and check out Finding Your Style.
    To Do in Class Tuesday:  
    • Lecture on Style and Critiques
    • Critique Practice 1 - Crop a Photo 4 Way (Due T 1/24)
    • Introduce & Work on Practice 2 Create a Multilayered Stencil (Due TH 1/31)
    • Create your own style boards: Create Pinterest boards for Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and special personal interests such as typography, punk, advertising, graffiti, posters, stenciling, t-shirts, etc.

    Day 4, TH 1/26 

    To Do in Class:
    • Introduce Practice 3 - Create an Icon with Masking (Due TU 2/7)
    • Work on Practice 2 - Create a Multilayered Stencil (Due TU 1/31)
    • Finished the work early? Create several boards on Pinterest for Photoshop, Illustration, InDesign, and special personal interests such as typography, punk posters, advertising, graffiti, stenciling, t-shirts, etc
    To Read for Thursday:  
    Chapter 6: Value (+Study Guide) 

    WEEK 3, Jan 31 & Feb 2 - Basic Photo Healing
    Day 5, TU 1/31 
    Due: Practice 2 - Create a 3 Layer Stencil

    To Read for Tuesday:  

    To Do in Class: 
    Work on Practice 3 - Create a Folder Icon with Masking (Due TU 2/7)
    Finished with Practice 3? Find a photo to repair in class on Tuesday.

    Day 6, TH 2/2 

    To Do in Class: 
    Finished with Practice 3? Find a photo to repair in class on Tuesday.
    Introduce Assignment 1 - The Before & After Repair Project (Due TU 2/14)
    Work on Assignment 1 - The Before & After Repair Project

    WEEK 4, Feb 7 & 9- Color tools, color correction, & photo drama. Filters
    Day 7, TU 2/7 
    Due : Practice 3 - Create a Folder Icon with Masking

    To Read for Tuesday: 
     Chapters 8 (for Tuesday).
     Chapter 9 on color theory (+Study Guide) (for Thursday).

    Plus (online)--  

    To Do in Class:
    Critique Assignment 1 The Before & After Repair Project first thing Tuesday

    Day 8, TH 2/9  

    To Do in Class: 
    Introduce and work on Assignment 2 - Color Project (Due TU 2/21)

    Raster Imaging with Photoshop Part BAdvanced PS Techniques

    WEEK 5, Feb 14 & 16 - Advanced Color tips. Masking & Layering
    To Do in Class:
    Quiz 1 will be taken in class. (Chapters 6, 8, 9, 11, 16)
    Skill Set 2, Ch 1-18, "Photoshop CC Essential Training" with Julieanne Kost

    Day 10, TH 2/16 
    Work on Assignment 2 - Color Project (due 2/21)
    Introduce and begin Assignment 3 - Composite  (due 2/28)
    WEEK 6, Feb 21 & 23 - Semiotics. Realistic light sources.
    Day 11, TU 2/21 
    To Read for Tuesday: Chapter 14 

    Due: Assignment 2 (Color Exercise) will be critiqued first thing Tuesday.

    To Do in Class:

    Day 12, TH 2/23 
    To Read for Thursday: Chapter  15 (+Study Guide)
    To Do in Class:
    Semiotics & Abstraction Examples 
    Complete Skill Set 2 Videos by end of week
    Assignment 3 - Composite Project work on it
    Watch Skill Set 3 and take notes! Adobe Training Videos "Illustrator CC Essential Training" with Justin Seeley. CH 1-15

    WEEK 7, Feb 28 & Mar 2 - Printing. Going Further.
    Day 13, TU 2/28 
    Due Tuesday
    Assignment 3 (Composite) will be critiqued first thing Tuesday.
    In Class:
    • While not required for this course, you'll find that Deke McClelland's "Introducing Illustrator" videos on "Pen Tool Fundamentals" and his series "Illustrator One-on-One Fundamentals" are the best training options out there for Illustrators who intend to work in illustrative detail with Adobe Illustrator.
    • Complete: Pen Tool Exercises 1 & 2
    To Read for Thursday: Chapter 3: Space 

    Day 14, TH 3/2 

    In Class: 
    • Watch Illustrator Skill Set 2 Videos

    Read for Tuesday (week 8):  Chapter 4: Line. Chapter 5: Shape

    Vector Imaging with Illustrator 

    WEEK 8, Mar 7 & 9

    Day 15, TU 3/7 

    In Class: 

    Day 16, TH 3/9 
    To Read for Thursday: Vital Tips for Effective Logo Design

    To do in Class

    WEEK 9, Mar 14 & 16
    Spring Break - No Class & Labs Closed

    WEEK 10, Mar 21 & 23
    Day 17, TU 3/21
    To do in Class

    To Read for Tuesday

    Day 18, TH 3/23 
    To do in Class

    WEEK 11, Mar 28 & 30
    Day 19, TU 3/28 

    To Do in Class:

    Day 20 TH 3/30 
    To Do in Class:

    WEEK 12, Apr 4 & 6
    Day 21, TU 4/4 
    To Read for Thursday:  Chapter 7: Texture

    To Do in Class:

    Day 22, TH 4/6 
    To Do in Class:
    Week 13, Apr 11 & 13

    Desktop Publishing with InDesign

    Day 23, TU 4/11

    To Read for Tuesday:
    •  Chapter 13: Repetition & Rhythm
    •  Chapter 17: Emphasis

    To Do in Class

    Day 24, TH 4/13 

    To Do in Class:

    WEEK 14, Apr 18 & 20
    Day 25, TU 4/18 
    Day 26, TH 4/20 

    To Do in Class:

    WEEK 15, Apr 25 & 27
    Day 27, TU 4/25 

    To Do in Class:

    Day 28, TH 4/27 

    To Do in Class:

    To Do in Class:
    Read (online)... 
    ·        Provide Comfort for Readers With Repetition

    Last Day of Classes April 28
    Reading Days April 29 - May 2
    Finals May 3-10

    The final critique is Thursday, May 4 from 8-10:30 PM. All items to be graded must be uploaded to the box by 8:00 PM Sharp. This includes practices, assignments, final projects, and extra credit. 

    Day 30, TH May 4 FINAL CRITIQUE 8-10:30 PM
    Final Project, any assignments for re-evaluation need to be uploaded to the Box by 8:00 PM.